Alison Bell

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When you consider that human beings are the divider between matter and spirit – that we hold both , touch both through consciousness: it makes humanity a portal – doorway through which information is shared to either side of the equation. Therefore, just about anything can be looked on as a portal – for in a way, a portal is that ‘idea’ of a crossing point from one state into another.

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A 'Portal' may be a torsion field, a scalar.

-Please note: much of what is sited in this short article is in direct opposition to Einsteinian relativistic physics and as such considered pseudoscience. Yet there is a huge body of work out there, out of the mainstream that is provable and useful that connects everything to the so called pseudo-etheric field-physical medium-subquantum field… However, the reader is urged to look at Einstein's 1928 Unified Field Theory with the Torsion Tensor equations.

PORTAL por·tal1 ˈpôrdl/ noun noun: portal; plural noun: portals 1. a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one. synonyms: doorway, gateway, entrance, exit, opening;

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Crystals as portals, or as gate keys, as torsion patterns and resonators. Crystal structure responds and grows according to the gravitational stress waves of the energetic medium. Meaning depending on where they are grown - on and in the earth, and the actual position of the planet in relation to the rest of the solar system i.e. the physical medium and what their chemical makeup is they are a record of the stressors at that geographical place and they hold or guide energies through themselves of that captured imprint. The energy of the physical medium is not only local i.e. the actual place in the dirt where the crystal is found, it is also a combination of the stressors on that position that are created by the type of soil, the gravity specifically in that place which is a part of the earth's gravity which is connected to the sun and all the planets of this system. By their molecular shape this makes them very efficient torsion resonators i.e. they respond to gravitational stress waves in the medium guiding it into the patterns encoded in the molecular structure forever captured in the crystal.

This means that in places where lots of crystal can be found either in the rock or soil there will be anomalous gravity fluctuations or eddies - what we like to call portals. The fact that they are not operative all the time has everything to do with the position of the earth to the sun and any planetary alignments at the moment and the ability of the alignment to produce more or less energy according to that alignment. Depending on the position or location in the space time field - the ether, there will be 'gated' energy through the vortex created by and held in pattern by the crystalline content of the physical area corresponding to the frequency of the field and the crystal. These are natural portals. Now, imagine that you have a structure like great pyramid, that has hundreds of tons of granite - a quartz rock, this is a man-made portal, and engineered construction and will also act as a natural resonator of a torsion field. This is why there are measurable effects or anomalies of the inertial effects - or time/gravity in and around these structures.

What is a torsion field? In fluid dynamics, a vortex is a region in a fluid in which the flow rotates around an axis line, which may be straight or curved.[1][2] The plural of vortex is either vortices or vortexes.[3][4] Vortices form in stirred fluids, and may be observed in phenomena such as smoke rings, whirlpools in the wake of boat, or the winds surrounding a tornado or dust devil. Vortices are a major component of turbulent flow. The distribution of velocity, vorticity (the curl of the flow velocity), as well as the concept of circulation are used to characterize vortices. In most vortices, the fluid flow velocity is greatest next to its axis and decreases in inverse proportion to the distance from the axis.

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tor·sion ˈtôrSHən/ noun noun: torsion the action of twisting or the state of being twisted, especially of one end of an object relative to the other.

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In physics, a field is an assignment of a quantity (vector, tensor, or spinor) to every point of the space containing it. The word "torsion" refers to any variable that describes rotation. Thus, torsion fields (i.e., fields of any physical value reasonably described as "torsion") do exist in established physics. For example, an electromagnetic wave with circular polarization or the stress tensor of a solid body under torsion stress can be described as torsion fields, although such usage is rare. The torsion tensor is a quantity in general relativity, and plays an important role in Einstein–Cartan theory. Spinor fields, in particular fermionic fields, are existing concepts from particle physics and quantum field theory. Aside from this established research, advocates of the spinor field or torsion field theories claim that spin-spin interaction – itself a well-studied quantum phenomenon – can be transmitted through space similar to electromagnetic waves, does not carry mass or energy but only information, and does so at speeds of up to a billion times the speed of light. From <>

For the result of this new physics is that space itself has structure and content; the medium or “aether” may be viewed as nothing but a vast set of scalar potentials, which can be decomposed into longitudinal wave pairs.31 And since a “scalar” represents an internal rotational stress – as per our diagrams above – scalar physics is also not only non-linear, but vorticular physics.32

Farrell, Joseph P.. The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts (pp. 45-46). Adventures Unlimited Press. Kindle Edition.

TORSION->TIME->GRAVITY->MASS->TORSION Time then, being measured by motion can become compressed within the effects of a torsion field. We also know that time varies with gravity, which over time transduces or distills more mass which creates greater gravity which slows time which tightens the torsion field… Scalar Physics.

The human body has these torsion energy fields: Indeed, just the body alone has some 148 crossings of energy creating the 33 along the spinal column and the 115 in the limbs, feet and hands. Then the areas along the spinal column which are considered the major Z-pinches or crossing areas are called the chakras. These major vortexes each have a frequency, or idea state, or awareness balance created by the speed of their spin. There are many more to the unit we consider our whole self - at least in spiritual theory which poses that we are more than just this here and now and have a higher self (the next octave of frequencies above these that we can perceive) on many levels and a sideway component that manifests in parallel realities.

In the 7 major chakras of the human body, we have clusters of intelligent tissues we call organs that give rise to the physical systems that run our body without our conscious control. This correlation can be drawn also looking at our solar system as its clusters of matter around its various z-pinches, the sun. The sun exists/ rotates with/around a star cluster, which is part and parcel of our galaxy, which is a monstrously huge z-pinch. ALL of which is swimming in this energetic field of consciousness called the ether, or zero point field - our Universe. (Others like to call it the Electromagnetic Spectrum)

DNA is also a perfect resonator: These two dots got stuck together in my mind. There is ample evidence that any electromagnetic wave can change the fabric of space from smallest to largest (stars and galaxies - largest) to whit I point to Joseph Farrell's book: The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts, where he connects scalar physics and the underlying quantum field together and explains how this works from subatomic structure all the way to the largest.

What I came away with was an understanding (my own and it could be wrong…lol) that scalar packets of whatever size are potentials. These potentials can aggregate matter or they can be gravitic. In these packets are encoded the templates that suggest how that packet will interact with not only the subquantum field, but how it will behave and look etc.

Which puts us smack-dab in the 'as above, so below, category and NOT separate from the effects of the planet or the solar system, …and it makes us a portal ourselves

A portal may be the boundary between two sets of frequencies. That is perceptually, to us, because we are confined in a meat suit - to a restricted set of frequencies of perception due to the vibratory qualities of the form we choose to reside in. Therefore, to perceive other frequencies, we see the change as a portal - a doorway - a passing through, which actually it is. Note also that the frequencies traveled will have to be in resonance or in a mathematical relationship to each other for this portal to 'open'. A harmonic series is the sequence of sounds[1]—pure tones, represented by sinusoidal waves—in which the frequency[2] of each sound is an integer multiple of the fundamental, the lowest frequency.[3] Pitched musical instruments are often based on an approximate harmonic oscillator such as a string or a column of air, which oscillates at numerous modes simultaneously. At the frequencies of each vibrating mode, waves travel in both directions along the string or air column, reinforcing and canceling each other to form standing waves. Interaction with the surrounding air causes audible sound waves, which travel away from the instrument. Because of the typical spacing of the resonances, these frequencies are mostly limited to integer multiples, or harmonics, of the lowest frequency, and such multiples form the harmonic series (see harmonic series (mathematics)).

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Otherwise the meeting of non-resonant frequencies creates a disruption of the boundaries and no doorway can be created - only a strengthening of the boundary layers, or a cancelling out of the frequency by destructive interference. Sound is a pressure wave, which consists of alternating periods of compression and rarefaction. A noise-cancellation speaker emits a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase (also known as antiphase) to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out – an effect which is called destructive interference.

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It makes sense then, that we keep meeting other intelligences that are in our particular family of resonances, we keep seeing our own family. Whether this takes place in 3D perception or consciousness perception we will perceive within our 'family' of harmonious resonance. So then, by the principles of analogous resonance we should be able to open our own portal. Our consciousness is far more able to alter its frequency and travel because that takes a thought which is much easier to produce than altering a 3D substance by mechanical means to a different frequency without hurting the substance itself. Meaning that it might just turn out to be that the only way we really can travel to other dimensions is through a mind portal - or adjustment of our mental frequency. Which, I might point out that we do all the time when we read a book, watch a movie, daydream, meditate and basically, for a flash every ninety seconds without our noticing all day every day. To open a physical portal we wind up needing help from a resonator capable of opening a hole in the physical medium to another frequency, or place.

The sun and the other planetary bodies:' It has been found that torsion fields 'gate' energy into the physical medium from 'somewhere else', in other words more energy exists in the field than should be there. That makes them a "Portal" by the definition above. The earth and the sun are connected like a type of 'stacked torsion fields' which by its very definition gates energy in from 'somewhere else'.

Flux transfer event A flux transfer event (FTE) occurs when a magnetic portal opens in the Earth's magnetosphere through which high-energy particles flow from the Sun. This connection, while previously thought to be permanent, has been found to be brief and very dynamic. The European Space Agency's four Cluster spacecraft and NASA's five THEMIS probes have flown through and surrounded these FTEs, measuring their dimensions and identifying the particles that are transferred between the magnetic fields.

Formation Earth's magnetosphere and the Sun's magnetic field are constantly pressed against one another on the dayside of Earth. Approximately every eight minutes, these fields briefly merge, forming a temporary "portal" between the Earth and the Sun through which high-energy particles such as solar wind can flow. The portal takes the shape of a magnetic cylinder about the width of Earth. Current observations place the portal at up to 4 times the size of Earth.

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Some other places to look

The Tom Bearden Website:

Nicholai Kozyrev

The Primer Field Videos: